K-ON! PV Outfit figures

K-ON! has been one of those series that one gets obsessed about. For me I heard about the series in passing but never checked it out. It wasn't until i won the PV Yui figure from a UFO catcher, posted my winnings on twitter and then had people chime in how awesome the show…

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Rilakkuma 7th anniversary Bento

We recently had a chance to play a new demo of Mafia II–an open-world action game set against the backdrop of organized crime families vying for power in the 1950s. At the beginning of the demo, we saw Vito Scaletta–the game’s lead character–inside of his home just as he receives…

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Evangelion Movie figure UFO GETO!

The gameplay mechanics for Rising were made known initially at E3 2010, and are based around a concept known as “zan-datsu”, literally “cut and take.” Matsumaya and Kimura explained in Konami’s press conference that the “take” part revolves around Raiden literally taking power from enemies, a concept shown in the…

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gaijin tokyo undergound

Posted by atomicboyx On Wednesday, July 28, 2010 0 comments




Posted by atomicboyx On Friday, July 16, 2010 0 comments

I picked this up from the convenience store to try out. Ive seen this character on the Cup Noodle commercials and was compelled to buy it because of the absurd character design.

Only in Japan_001

Posted by atomicboyx On Friday, July 16, 2010 0 comments

Only in Japan does a serious news program have a ...chicken fish?!? character co presenting!

Bento of the day_001

Posted by atomicboyx On Friday, July 16, 2010 0 comments

Sweet and sour shrimp and squid! So good!!!

Tastes just like home!

Posted by atomicboyx On Friday, July 16, 2010 0 comments

Living in Japan is great, i get to have many types of Japanese food options everyday, but every so often you get the urge for some good ol' greasy american food. Luckily the pizza chain SBARRO has set up multiple locations here in Tokyo. I have one in the area that i work Kichijoji. The prices are ok for Japanese standards, a slice and a drink 450yen. Can't beat the good old american food court taste!

Cheap otaku options

Posted by atomicboyx On Friday, July 16, 2010 0 comments

Growing up i was pritty much a big otaku. I loved comics, anime, manga and power rangers! One way to get your otaku fix is by going to a chain of stores called book off. The majority of its product is manga, taking up a large part of these stores. They also have a huge selection of 105yen manga, that like $1! I was able to pick up the whole X1999 series on sale of 50yen each on s special promo day that i happened to stumble onto. So as a big fan of this series, i scooped up the whole set for only 450yen! sweet deal!

High priced Kitty!

Posted by atomicboyx On Friday, July 16, 2010 0 comments

I was walking around Shinjuku area a while back and i snapped these photos of some Hello Kitty mechandise. Needless to day if i wanted to pick these up i would have to fork over a house loan! The prices for these limited edition Hello Kitty items ranged from $73, to $5250!!!!