K-ON! PV Outfit figures

K-ON! has been one of those series that one gets obsessed about. For me I heard about the series in passing but never checked it out. It wasn't until i won the PV Yui figure from a UFO catcher, posted my winnings on twitter and then had people chime in how awesome the show…

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Rilakkuma 7th anniversary Bento

We recently had a chance to play a new demo of Mafia II–an open-world action game set against the backdrop of organized crime families vying for power in the 1950s. At the beginning of the demo, we saw Vito Scaletta–the game’s lead character–inside of his home just as he receives…

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Evangelion Movie figure UFO GETO!

The gameplay mechanics for Rising were made known initially at E3 2010, and are based around a concept known as “zan-datsu”, literally “cut and take.” Matsumaya and Kimura explained in Konami’s press conference that the “take” part revolves around Raiden literally taking power from enemies, a concept shown in the…

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J-GAY MOVIE: Black Lizard くろとかげ KUROTOKAGE

Posted by atomicboyx On Tuesday, March 23, 2010 0 comments

I am currently doing research for a presentation in my University, Japan: youth and deviant culture class. I am doing my presentation on modern Japanese gay society. While researching the view of gays in television and print media I found out about Akihiro Miwa 美輪 明宏 a famous singer and drag queen who has been famous since the 1960's even appearing presently on television as tarento who apparently had had a love affair with famous writer, Yukio Mishima
三島 由紀夫. This man who just oozes sexuality. 

This movie is in Tokyo in the late groovy 1960's. We are introduced to
Mrs. Midorikawa, played by Miwa, the woman behind this decadent club where a detective happend to be invited to that evening. As the plot unfolds you have the detectives work intertwined with that of Midorikawa, reveled to be the Black Lizard and a transvestite.Also at one point The Black Lizard shares a kiss with Yukio Mishima! He is such a sexy man!

The character of Miwa is so overly dramatic is such a good gay campy diva way, you want to cheer for her to get the boy at the end of the movie. I havent seen such a campy but excellent movie is such a long time. Apparently it has not been released as a DVD, and only available in 1992 as a VHS release.

Rating: ★★★

Luckily i have found the whole movie avalable on youtube! Check it out below and tell me what you think! 

YUKIO MISHIMA - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yukio_Mishima


OTAKU FOOD: Goseiger Ranger curry & sausage!?

Posted by atomicboyx On Friday, March 19, 2010 0 comments

So i am definitively a super otaku ぼくのちょうオタクですよ! I just bought Power Ranger curry and breakfast sausages! These come from the new series of Tensou Sentai Goseiger (天装戦隊ゴセイジャー Tensō Sentai Goseijā) I haven't watched this series yet, mainly because i had been dissapointed in the last few series, and i guess they are no longer making a US version. So i have to keep my Ranger fix from the japanese series. For the new Goseija series, i really like the costumes this time around. But i think my faveorite series was Dairanger, that was pretty violent for the time, and i loved the opening theme song!

For the food items, the curry was from the 100 yen shop, but currently i havent eaten it. For the sausages, they cost about 200 yen from the supermarket. The sausages actually have the characters ON the sausage. I thoiught it was super cute! めっちゃめっちゃかわいい!

FROM WIKIPEDIA: The five Goseigers are actually members of a branch of human life called the "Gosei Angels" (護星天使 Gosei Tenshi), whose mission is to protect the Earth. But Earth is targeted by an evil invasion force called Warstar which destroyed the Heaven's Tower (天の塔 Ten no Tō), a passageway between Earth and the Gosei World. While finding a way to return to their dimension, the Goseigers defend Earth from Warstar and stop its forces from stealing the planets's life energy.
The phrase "Descent!" (降臨! Kōrin!) is utilized in the promotional materials for the series.


J-GAY MOVIE: OKOGE おこげ ★★★★☆

Posted by atomicboyx On Thursday, March 18, 2010 1 comments

Tonight i watched the gay japanese movie called OKOGE おこげ. Okoge in Japanese literally means "the rice that sticks to the pot", slang term is a FAG HAG. Okama おかま is literally the rice pot, but slang for faggot. This movie came out in 1992, and very much seemed progressive for its time, because some of the points touched in it are still not common in the modern day japan. Things such as being out is still considered not desirable, most gay men would rather live double lives, rather than live one and be true to themselves. Even getting married and having children, just so it seems normal, but still have sexual encounters with men. For those who might be able to find a copy of Okoge with subtitles, i suggest to see it, its a good commentary/ slice of life of gay Japanese culture.

Rating: ★★★★☆

FROM jfilmpowwow: Okoge - Takehiro Nakajima (1992) The term okoge can refer to two things in Japanese: first, it can mean the crust that forms on the bottom of a pan when rice is accidentally burned or browned. The second slang meaning for okoge is the Japanese equivalent of our North American "fag hag", a woman who enjoys hanging out with gay men as opposed to straight men or women. It's the latter usage that writer/ director Takehiro Nakajima took as the title for his 1992 film "Okoge", which (no surprise) was about woman Sayoko (Misa Shimizu) who meets Goh and Tochi, a gay couple played by Takehiro Murata and Takeo Nakahara), at the beach and quickly befriends them. Sayoko even offers the two men the use of her apartment as a safe and friendly place to meet and soon the trio become inseperable. "Okoge" was one of the very first films, along with Ryosuke Hashiguchi's "A Touch of Fever" (more on that at #1) that helped bring gay issues and gay-themed cinema into the Japanese mainstream. It's original 6-week domestic theatrical run would be extended again and again until it ran in Japan for several months to adoring public and critical praise. Meanwhile overseas the popularity of Juzo Itami's films "Tampopo" and "A Taxing Woman during the 1980's got "Okoge" programmed at a number of films festivals in the West including the 1992 Toronto International Film Festival. Since its release though "Okoge" has been eclipsed by many of the other gay films (some on this very list) and is sadly in danger of becoming a footnote in Japanese and Gay Cinema history. CM

Okoge: A term for the burnt rice that sticks to the bottom of a cooking pot, this currently-used word refers to the straight, female friends of gay males.

Okama (お釜, おかま) Literally "a pot, a kettle", this word, always with the honorific prefix "O-", refers to a gay man, especially one who is viewed as effeminate or a drag queen. Can be pejorative. The word originated in Edo period slang for the anus. In current use.


Posted by atomicboyx On Thursday, March 18, 2010 0 comments

Living in japan many many things are very expensive as most know, but one thing that helps alot is national health care! Even me being here as a student, i get national coverage, which means i pay only 30% of the cost. I had a problem with my back tooth that was putting too much pressure on my upper tooth, and i thought i needed it to be pulled. I finally went to a dentist in my town, which he actually spoke english and he said i just needed to file down the tooth a bit. As an english teacher, one of my students told me if a dentist tells you first thing is that they want to extract the tooth, LEAVE immidiatly. Luckily he didnt suggest that. In the end it took only 5 minutes start to finish, and only cost 690 yen, thats about $7.00! I would never be able to get that in america!

GAY MAG: G-men put a gaijin on the cover! but...

Posted by atomicboyx On Tuesday, March 16, 2010 1 comments

えー!これなに?! G-MEN MAGAZINE @G_menJP put a Gaijin 外国人on next months cover, but hes ugly as fuck! If he was hot OK, but hes NOT! G-men has had foreigners featured inside some of its photo spreads in many issues in the past, and they have been the G-men, gachiガチ, beefy hot types to expect from G-men magazine, but apparently they are doing some feature about Australia in it for their issue 170 special release. The cover model is NOT the style of G-men and the guy isn't even hot! The model type should be more of a BADI magazine model. I think personally think G-men should re shoot a more G-men appropriate cover model before this issue is released!!

What do you think, is the guy hot, or did G-men fuck up this time?

Below is the issue description:



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Posted by atomicboyx On Tuesday, March 16, 2010 0 comments

I love IKKYU! Its a super cheap izakaya to go binge eat and drink at! Also many many gays go there because its only a few block away form shinjuku nichome gay district. If you get the gold members card, you can get major discounts depending on the day of the month! Def recommended!!
"The driving concept behind Ikkyu is low prices, and it is certainly one of Tokyo's cheapest izakaya. Steep discounts - between 30% and 50% - are available if you are willing to become a member of Ikkyu. Anyone over the drinking age can become one. If there is a member in the group, the whole group is charged the member's price. Snacks are priced around 300yen and draft beer is 231yen (member's price). A good place for large drinking parties."

Check out their site info http://www.193.co.jp/ (japanese only)

English travel site info:

GAY MANGA: Shima no Omawarisan by: Seizo Ebisubashi

Posted by atomicboyx On Tuesday, March 16, 2010 0 comments

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Posted by atomicboyx On Tuesday, March 16, 2010 0 comments

March 04, 2010Just an update and a マイブームのネムネコ!

Twitter me! http://twitter.com/atomicboyx


Posted by atomicboyx On Tuesday, March 16, 2010 0 comments

January 21, 2010 — UPDATES and CHOCOLATE BEER??? So i hear there is a chocolate flavor beer out, i had tasted the chocolate soda, so i just had to try chocolate beer! I was able to find it at Seiyu, which it the equivalent/ owned by Wal-mart. So i bought on and some Green tea donuts from Mr. Donuts 抹茶オルドファーシャンミスド.


Posted by atomicboyx On Tuesday, March 16, 2010 0 comments

December 28, 2009I cant believe its been a whole year! I survived in one of the most densely populated, most expensive cities in the world, for one year. Its been a crazy wonderful ride this year, im glad to start my second year now! Thank you for all who have supported me all this time.

See my first japan vlog here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7Nusd...

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GAIT_48_iPhone FAIL!

Posted by atomicboyx On Tuesday, March 16, 2010 0 comments

December 22, 2009i killed my iphone! Ao im a total dumb ass! I got home from a xmas party that i stayed the night at. I was in the kitchen i placed my phone on the counter, and accidentally dropped it in the sink that had some standing water because the drain was slow draining. FUCK! watch the video so see what happened.

twitter me http://twitter.com/atomicboyx


Posted by atomicboyx On Tuesday, March 16, 2010 0 comments

December 10, 2009 — chocolate and little monsters twitter me

I talk about the 2 year olds that i was teaching, i miss those little monsters. I was teaching them english for about 9 months, and they were actually saying words in english! it felt great!! but i have to stop because of my school scheduling.

Twitter me!


Posted by atomicboyx On Tuesday, March 16, 2010 0 comments

December 02, 2009ポケマンお酒?

I found what appears to be pokemon alcohol?! i wondered what the hell this was and bought a bottle of it to try at home, check out the video for the answer.

twitter me http://twitter.com/atomicboyx


Posted by atomicboyx On Tuesday, March 16, 2010 0 comments

November 24, 2009 — Random life update. We had our gaijin thanks giving where we had over 20 people in a small 1k apartment. Also went to a gay BBQ event int he mountains, it was crazy fun!

twitter me http://twitter.com/atomicboyx


Posted by atomicboyx On Tuesday, March 16, 2010 0 comments

November 06, 2009 — FUCK FUCK FUCK UUUUUU RANT RANT RANT RANT. I am ranting of an incident that happens where a young drank salary man keep pushing me on the train ride. くそ!くそ!くそ!くそ!くそ!くそ!くそ!くそ!くそ!くそ!くそ!くそ!くそ!く そ!くそ!くそ!

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GAIT_43_Gay Matsuri 新宿二丁目レインボまつり

Posted by atomicboyx On Monday, March 15, 2010 0 comments

November 03, 2009 — Old footage of Shinjuku's Nichome, Gay matsuri (festival) from august 30th 2009. This was the 10th anniversary for shinjuku nichome's gay summer festival. (Ni-chome is the gay district of tokyo)

Food and fun, and was nice to see the gays out during the day rather than just the night. It would be nice to have ni-chome have more day time events.


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HOT NIHONJIN: G-men 最新号(No.168)

Posted by atomicboyx On Monday, March 15, 2010 0 comments

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GAIT_42_Twitter Nomikai シュイータのみかい

Posted by atomicboyx On Monday, March 15, 2010 0 comments

November 01, 2009 — For Halloween i got invited to a gay nomikai (drinking party) in Shinjuku Kabukicho. I had an amazing time meeting new japanese people! And was so drunk!!!! The following group of people are all from twitter.com as #followgayjp members, most of them have never met in person until this night, even though they live in tokyo and frequent nichome, but were friends only via the internet. It was very interesting also being the only foreigner in the whole group, but they made me feel welcome, as i used my limited japanese, and they used their best english.

Bartender from the 3rd bar we went to put on my costume also! He was so cute!
Breakfast from McDonalds at 6am!


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